Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Wisdom Wednesday #4: Eat, Pray, Love Book Review

Eat, Pray, Love Ch 2-3 Review:

Elizabeth begins her story on Chapter 2 with a flashback 3 years time ago to give alittle background information to help build more character and give Liz more depth. She writes in a way that captivates the audeience, the reader, well you to feel for her despair. She is lost laying on the floor of her house contemplating things like she sees herself in all of these photos on her nightstand, but yet she feels separated from those memories she had. She feels like she's a spectator and not a participant in her own life. She feels like she's not truly living. I feel she uses this to connect with the reader, I mean who hasn't felt this way somewhere in their own life. I from personal experience I had felt this way after my break up with my beloved now ex-girlfriend. It was a confusing time mixed with feelings like as if my life's a dream, like nothing seems real for me, I forgot myself through the loss. Through this experience in Chapter 3, Liz experiences her first encounter with her version of what God was to her. It was a confident, more loving, sureness of her own voice locked up inside. She screams in plea for help asking, "God, I know I haven't spoke to you, but what do I do? I am in really big trouble and I need to know what you want me to do? WHAT do I do?"(Eat,Pray, Love; Elizabeth Gilbert) Personally, I believe everyone has their own version of Source. We call it many things, but they're all labels for the same thing. Some say God, others inner being, these labels are all describing this higher, larger than life conciousness that is us. I believe that this inner knowing, this voice she has in this part of the story is her God. When we quiet our mind, from personal experience, I know that we're able to speak and hear that voice because we talk less and listen more. Inspiration comes to us through this inner knowing, this God. Elizabeth Gilbert is very clever and she's a great writer using things like drawing from experiences she's had and tools like commonalities in human behavior to connect with her audience; I think for this reason she's successful in reaching such a HUGE variety of people young and old.


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